EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

$27.95 - $55.95

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No more jiggly and flabby wings! Shalomer can now dance her way while showing off her firmer and more contoured arms confidently!

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

“I feel very confident now whenever I dance since I used this EMS Lymphatic Drainage Massage Pad. It really helped contour my arms and remove those flabs. I am a ballet teacher at a local studio and for quite some time now I was ashamed of my jiggly arms and this product solved my long time dilemma about it. A couple of days of using this gave me nice results and it has been a month now and my arms are firmer and in a state that I want.  This message pad has saved me tons of money. I will include this in  my daily routine as it helps my muscles relax too.”

Shalomer Mason, Newport, Arkansas

Winona can now endure the tough hours of football training without the pain and discomfort of leg swelling.
She is now more energized and healthier!

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

”I’m stick-thin and I guess I’m the type of girl who has a hard time toning my muscles. I don’t want a body builder type of muscle mass but I just want a toned body. I used the EMS Lymphatic Drainage Massage Padand I noticed how my arms, stomach, and legs became firmer and more toned, the swelling on my legs and feet are gone after 2 weeks of continued use, massaging my body every night before going to bed. I look and feel so much better than before I used this! I had saved me tons of money by using this compared to the previous products that I already tried which did not help at all. This is a five out of five star for me!”

Winona Richards, Kolorado Springsas, Koloradas

Ar žinote, kaip veikia mūsų limfinė sistema?

Tai subtilių vamzdelių tinklas visame kūne.

Jis išleidžia skystį (vadinamąjį limfą), kuris nutekėjo iš kraujagyslės į audiniai ir ištuština jį atgal į kraujotaka per limfmazgiai.

Supratimas Limfinė sistema suteikia įžvalgų apie gilų kūno gebėjimą pasirūpinti savimi. Jo funkcijos yra šios:

  • Palaiko skysčių lygį jūsų kūne
  • Sugeria riebalus iš virškinamojo trakto
  • Apsaugo jūsų kūną nuo svetimų įsibrovėlių
  • Perneša ir pašalina atliekas bei nenormalias ląsteles iš limfos

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

Kokie blokai veikia limfinę sistemą?

Many conditions can affect the vessels, glands, and organs that make up the lymphatic system. Viena iš priežasčių, dėl nenormalūs limfmazgiai kūne vadinamas Limfedema kuris nurodo audinių patinimas sukeltas an baltymų turinčio skysčio kaupimasis kuris paprastai nusausinamas per kūno limfinę sistemą. Dažniausiai tai paveikia rankas ar kojas, bet gali atsirasti ir krūtinės siena, pilvas, kaklas ir lytiniai organai. Here are some common disorders of the lymphatic system include:

  • Limfadenopatija – Padidėję (padidėję) limfmazgiai
  • Limfedema - Skysčių patinimas arba susikaupimas
  • Limfoma – Limfinės sistemos vėžys
  • Limfangitas – Limfinių kraujagyslių uždegimas
  • Limfocitozė – būklė, kai organizme yra didesnis nei įprasta limfocitų kiekis.

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

Limfodrenažas is one of the body’s first lines of defense when it comes to immunity.
It is also very important to muscle recovery.

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

The Key Solution For Lymph Drainage – Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

Part of muscle conditioning includes the stimulation of your muscles in your legs and feet and also where you place your body pads.

This stimulation increases the activity of your muscles by causing them to expand and contract repeatedly. This in turn padidina kraujotaką taip pat lymph flow.

Šios smart micro-electron technology ir low-frequency pulse massage technology are scientifically proven to stimulate the nerves which aids in lymphatic fluid draining, proper blood circulation and firm up your bum muscles which are also particularly useful for malšinantis skausmą.

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

Štai kodėl mes sukūrėme…

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas


EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas works because when your muscles contract, the valves in the lymphatic system open and close. This allows the lymph fluid to move through your body along with toxins that have accumulated. They exit your body through your perspiration and urine.

This EMS machine alleviates pain primarily by reducing inflammation, increasing blood flow, and reduces swelling thus making the lymphatic system healthier.

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

What makes the EMS Lymphatic Drainage Massage Pad effective?

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

  • Suglebusių rankų ir pažastų riebalų pašalinimas
  • Puikiai tinka limfos drenažui
  • Stimulates nerves for better blood circulation and healthier lymphatic system
  • Reduces inflammation, body swelling and aids in detoxifying the body
  • Smart micro-electron technology and low-frequency pulse massage technology
  • Non-invasive health product that doesn’t need to be ingested nor taken intravenously
  • Saugus ir efektyvus

Let’s take a look at Sheila’s lymphatic journey recovery so that we can learn something about it:


EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

This is how my arms look like prior to using the EMS Lymphatic Drainage Massage Pad. It is such an unpleasant sight for me whenever I look in the mirror and see that bulge.  I always cover it with anything like shoal, long sleeves and others as long as it doesn’t show.


EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

4 weeks of use and I noticed that my arms are starting to be rounder and the sagging is not that visible anymore. The surrounding skin is also firmer and a bit elastic in appearance.


A month and a half of using this massage machine has produced great results and I get excited whenever I use this because of the development and changes that I see each time.


After 3 months of continued use, the EMS Lymphatic Drainage Massage Pad I now have a shaped arm. The flabs are gone and the sagging is eliminated. My arm muscles are firmer and I can show off the results by wearing sleeveless clothes and I am more confident now with my body! Thank you!

Sheila Davis, 54, Mayfield, Kentucky

“The Massage Pad has saved me tons of money!”

EMS Lymphatic Drainage Massage Pad ‘s advanced technology is designed to make a huge impact not only to your body but also saves you tons of money in the long run.

What looks too good to be true is for real, no strings attached. That’s one reason why the EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas is selling worldwide like crazy at the moment. Now, before you cancel your lymphatic medical treatments and surgery removal schedule, it is important that you may notice a minimal increase on your electricity bill. But in the end, you will save a bunch of money by removing your first option which involves costly pharmacy medicines and hospitalization, plus you will have more time and energy that you can dedicate to what you love! Now that’s something you can buy.



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EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas

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EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas
EMS limfodrenažinis masažo padas
$27.95 - $55.95 pasirinkite Funkcijos